Photoshop tutorials
Since it was launched in 1990, Photoshop has become an indispensable tool to edit and retouch images and create layouts. But if you are not working with the program every day, then you will quickly feel overwhelmed by the enormous range of functions the tool provides. For this reason, we have started a new series of tutorials aimed at helping not just beginners …
Tutorial of the month
Our favourite tutorial of the month can be a Basics Tutorial that demonstrates certain workflows and tricks for basic techniques to both beginners and advanced users. Or it can be a Professional Tip to master complex image editing tasks.
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More photoshop-tutorials
Not only beginners will be glad to learn a few tricks that speed up recurring editing tasks in Adobe Photoshop. In our new series, we will present different workflows of specific standard editing tasks in Photoshop. Which filter should be used to create an expressive black and white image or what is important when cutting out objects? We will present what we believe are the fastest and easiest methods for everyday editing in Photoshop – from the thousands of approaches possible in image editing.